Build crypto
integrations fast.
Ship new features
in minutes, not months.

Master permissionless composability and create user stickiness to control the user journey with production-ready, onchain actions and integrations.

Integrated with the best

Free market works with all the top Defi protocols

Meet Free Market

Abstract away complex UX. Create sticky Actions

Free Market is building the Zapier of web3. today, developers lack the resources to build complex integrations and workflows for their users. Using free market, you can integrate our sdk, and start building production ready workflows in minutes.

Rapidly prototype

modify and debug

embed and deploy

Get Started

Start improving the web3 User journey here.

Create integrations and workflows that expand beyond your dapp. keep users on your platform, and increase revenue from the user journey.


Build embedded production-ready workflows

Debug with ease

Built in chainfork. View and fix errors without having to leave the studio, and deploy faster than ever.

No-code Studio

Drag and Drop. Rapidly build workflows in the Studio, or choose from a library of prebuilt options

Embedded SDK

Add Complex, user facing workflows that feel intuitive to your dApp

Customizable Engine

Modular Onchain actions. from crosschain to intrachain, our workflow engine has you covered


Free Market Journal

Free Market is building the Zapier of web3. Stay up to date with our progress, and read the latest news & integrations



Why Web3 Needs an Orchestration Layer

Onboarding the next wave of Builders and Users



Introducing Free Market Protocol: Supercharged Interoperability

Free Market is building the Zapier of Web3

Building the Zapier of Web3

Copyright ©2023 Free Market Labs Co.